Welcome to Calvary Love City a parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Chester, England. We have a mandate to raise and inspire leaders who will be full of God love and power to reign in this life and in the life to come. Our objective is to promote this mandate by creating an environment in which individuals from all walks of life can experience Christ's real love and power to fulfil God's plan for their lives.
RCCG - Calvary Love City was founded in 2014 with a small but dedicated group of believers meeting in a members flat and later moved into the Community Center - Northgate Arena, to be precise. In 2016, the church moved to Hamilton House in the city centre.
Calvary Love City in Chester is a thriving, multicultural Pentecostal church where people of all countries worship the living God as a family. We welcome people of all races, creeds, cultures, and nationalities. In addition, we have a thriving youth and student church ministry.The RCCG is a multinational church organisation founded in 1952 with a purpose to take the message of salvation to the entire globe in accordance with our Lord Jesus Christ's Great Commission. Prayer and preaching the entire counsel of God are the cornerstones of the church. People are aided in discovering their God-given destiny and developing to their full potential for God's glory. Pastor E.A. Adeboye is the General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God. The church has expanded to over 5,000 parishes throughout the world in the last two decades. Over three million individuals of different ethnicities and cultures are members.
We have a mandate to raise and inspire leaders who will be full of God love and power to reign in this life and in the life to come. This is embeded in the RCCG Global Vision:
Our vision extends beyond the present life, preparing our leaders for eternal significance by instilling values that transcend time. Through unwavering faith and a commitment to God’s principles, we aspire to see our leaders reign not only in this world but also in the life to come, exemplifying the eternal truth and love of God. Together, let us embark on this journey of raising leaders who are steadfast in faith, abundant in love, and mighty in power, ready to make a difference today and for eternity.
Assistant Pastor
Ignite Men Leader
Glorious Ladies Leader
Head of Prayer Dept
Head of Children Church
Head of Teens Church